Friday, February 19, 2010

iPhone application Scanner & Fax: Available

Scanner & Fax is produced by Zirak Mobile and allows users to scan documents, create multipage PDF documents, download them via WiFi on the PC or Mac and send them by email. Documents can also be shared or stored on the Internet via Google Docs, iDisk or WebDAV.
The app uses Interfax, a service that can be used to send faxes at low rates, but you’ll need an Interfax account to use it. Among the features of the software you’ll find the ability to improve the quality of the documents, manually adjust brightness, color intensity, contrast and protect PDF documents with access codes.

A new iPhone app is available, this time used to send faxes and scan documents. Named Scanner & Fax, the software is available via the App Store, for a promotional price of EUR 4.99 till Sunday 21 February. After this date, you’ll get it for EUR 6.99.