Sunday, May 2, 2010

SMS through Jailbroken iPad 3G Baseband [Video]

Well, the Dev-Team has just manages sending SMS through iPad 3G Baseband [Jailbroken] and that means that they are working on the Spirit Jailbreak for iPad 3G and other iDevices. Even though it is early in development (no GUI), it still gets to show one of the many possibilities that you can get using a jailbroken iDevice, A video under the jump that explains an iPad 3G sending message via AT&T SIM to iPhone...

@MuscleNerd: Native (but very primitive!) SMS through iPad3G baseband: (clearer screencap at
about 1 hour ago via web
Here's the Video:

At Last I can say we still waiting for the new Jailbreak [Spirit] for all iDevices by @comex one of the members of the Dev-team and the creator of Spirit.

Update 1: Sorry for the wrong Title -- I Fixed it