Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Download Backgrounder svn.r521-1

Backgrounder is a tweak available on Cydia and necessary for all jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch.
It will then permit you to manage multitasking (you can have several applications running at the same time).

Update : Version svn.r521-1 released !
Download svn.r521-1 : Official

Change log on version svn.r521

  • - NEW: On iOS 4.x, the « Native » method will now enable fast-app switching even for apps that have not yet been updated for iOS 4.x.
  • - This also works with the « Backgrounder » method when « Fall Back to Native » is ON.
  • - Currently this is disabled for non-App Store apps.
  • - Some developers purposely disable fast-app switching (by setting UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend flag in Info.plist); Backgrounder respects this setting.
  • - Due to this change, the « Auto Detect » method may be removed in a future version (unless someone knows of a valid reason for keeping it).
  • - MOD: Prevent Backgrounder preferences app from being backgrounded, otherwise settings might not be applied.
How to use :
  • Start one application
  • Long pressure on Home button, the application is now in background
  • Long pressure again to disable the backgrounding.
  • Since the version snv.r330-3, use Activator to background an application

Notes :
Previous Version
svn.r515-b2-1 : Official
svn.r513-1 :Official
svn.r504-1 :Official
svn.r494-1 :Official
svn.r492-1 :Official
svn.r450-1 : Official
svn.r445-1 : 4shared
svn.r436-1 : 4shared
svn.r338 : 4shared
svn.r330-3 : 4shared