Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New iPhone 4s Coming on September ?

CanalMX reports that Apple is set to release a newly version of the iPhone 4 that do not have the malfunction of the reception by the end of September. The iPhone 4 users were reporting a lot of issues as antenna issues which experienced when holding the device. Also users complained about a proximity sensor glitch which may not be fixed in iOS 4.1. Below is the Google Translation from Spanish,

He [Marco Quatorze, Telcel's Director of Value Added Services] also said that as of September 30 Telcel will be available in new devices that do not have the malfunction of the reception and explained that the company will have several options to make changes from one phone to another flawed not to take: “If the previous plan is over, you will need to hire a new change for iPhone 4. If, for example, already has one and take three months for payment, change the cell with a re-employment and takes into account the previous time, so instead of paying 24 months, only done in 21. “

The question of the case beyond the phone company that we hire, it is worth evaluating whether to purchase the first version of iPhone4 with all its flaws, or wait a month to be available the new version promises to vindicate the reputation of this controversial but attractive device, though no doubt there will be many users who are not willing to lose this dream so long Smartphone.
Last month Apple offered free bumpers for iPhone 4 users but it seems like a mistake as it damages the iPhone. Also, the iPhone 4 bumpers program ends by end of September, so is that an evidence for the truth of this story? But is that the only way to fix iPhone 4 issues? to make a new one! [via 9to5mac]

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