Saturday, December 18, 2010
RetinaAppIcons Converts Your Springboard Icons Automatically to Retina Display!
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RetinaAppIcons is a jailbreak tweak that promises to converts all of low resolution app store icons to a high resolution retina ones for a nominal fee of $0.99 cents only.
Once you install this tweak and give your device a respring, all of your existing App Store Apps that lack retina compatible icons will automatically be converted the same like below:
- Works with 99.9% of all AppStore Apps
- Automatically generates high-quality App Icons
- For iPhone 4 / iPod Touch with Retina Display
- For iPad Screen
- For all the different sized Icons (Spotlight Search,…)
- Works automatically in background without user interaction
- Updates Icons on Respring or after installing new App
You can purchase RetinaAppIcons for $0.99 from Cydia Store via BigBoss repo. Let us know how do you like it in the comments section below. Also don't forget to check our Cydia apps gallery for more jailbreak apps and tweaks.
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This post was written by: iPhone Jailbreak
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