Thursday, February 10, 2011
Boot logo changer [Animated logo]
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Animate became Boot Logo on Cydia, this is a tweak of chronicdev freely available on BigBoss's repository on Cydia.
This tweak will allow you to change the boot logo image when you start your iDevice and that during a respring only for jailbroken with iDevices Greenpois0n.
- Only for jailbroken iDevices with Greenpois0n.
- Does not work with a jailbreak untethered (Monte) via redsn0w.
- Make sure you have the dependencies PrefrenceLoader Cydia (developer mode).
- Learn to connect via ssh on his iDevice.
- Send pictures in. Png 640 × 960 for the Model Retina and 320 × 480 for others, 1024 × 1024 for the IPAD.
- Install from Cydia bootlogo 1.0.0-7 (the latter seems to have disappeared) or deb.
- Then go to Library / BootLogos /.
- Create a folder (the name does not matter).
- Place your images. 0.png png named as such, 1.png, 2.png and so on.
- Then go to "Settings" of your iDevice.
- Then, in "Boot Logos" folder and create your selction.
- Reboot.
If it works yet, since MobileTerminal:
- Please log in as root, type "su" and password "alpine" (default).
- Then type this command line:
chown-R mobile: mobile / Library / BootLogos /
Theme packages are also available for bootlogo via Cydia. Ex: Shattering Apple.
You can try with a single image. Png or more images. Png, or image. Gif (0.gif)
Boot Logo via iSpazio.
Download (Retina)
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