Monday, February 15, 2010

Fake Mac on the iPhone

Sometimes it is necessary to adapt the MAC address of a device, because you want to try something. Had, in my case, I experimented with a DHCP server to the MAC, I had to change a few times.

Those who use the tutorial to carry so feeble that violates any applicable laws, promises or is it itself!

First, the preconditions for it to work after my description of everything:

* Installed UNIX subsystem -> Cydia
* Installed Mobile Terminal -> Cydia
* Known root password

Once the prerequisites are met, you can also get started already. Thanks to install the Unix subsystem, we can change the draw of the MAC address on the familiar shell commands from Unix / Linux.


* View Mobile Terminal
* Mobile Terminal

* "Su - enter" in the shell and enter the password
* IPhone Root Password

* "Ifconfig en0" in the shell to enter the current settings of the wireless interface to see
* Mobile Terminal ifconfig en0

* "Ifconfig en0 ether " in the shell to enter the new MAC to define
* Mobile Terminal MAC Fake

* The Fomat the MAC address "should be 00:00:00:00:00:00".
Was removed immediately after the new command is the MAC address of your iPhone changed. The change does not boot, however resistant. That means after a reboot of the device is again the original MAC address, which Apple has missed your device registered.
If something does not work, or give it any further questions, the comment function well known;)
Happy MAC faking,