Friday, July 23, 2010
2 Hot news for jailbreak iPhone 4 on iOS 4x
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There are two major news about jailbreak IOS 4 and iPhone 4.
Today we have good news, MuscleNerd talked about unlocking iPhone 4, He said that you can Unlock iPhone 4 permanently without need to Ultrasn0w by getting the codes out of the seczone to calculate your NCK code, But this Process will have to go over 100 trillion combinations. So in a tweet answering someone who don't understand telling him that the Unlock is ready and he is waiting for public Jailbreak release from comex.
Here's Gangstatyzz asking MuscleNerd:
@MuscleNerd I'm guessing the jailbreak is going to be released soon Because you guyz keep talon bout how theirs a unlock for itMuscleNerd answering him:
@Gangstatyzz hmm just staying the unlock is ready now, for whenever the public JB is done + debugged + packagedAlso Planetbeing Yesterday tweeted that Ultrasn0w will be available in Cydia whenever comex's Jailbreak updated:
It will probably be the usual thing where you jailbreak and then install ultrasn0w from Cydia.
We're gonna be able to give you an unlock with the jailbreak.
Let's talk about The next Jailbreak from Comex, It will (un)tethered "Spirit" Jailbreak and it will be able to jailbreak your iPhone 4 / 3GS (Old+New Bootroms) / 3G, iPod Touch 3G / 2G (MC+Non MC Models) on iOS 4.0.1 / 4 and also may be on iPad 3G / WiFi on iOS 3.2.1! So Stay Tuned
Second : Saurik gave an interview at a radio station in the U.S. which also showed his unlocked iPhone 4.
In the same interview states that there will be a little 'time before the official release.
Thanks to everyone for reporting
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This post was written by: iPhone Jailbreak
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