Thursday, April 15, 2010

Consumer Reports calls out Microsoft for “advocating sexting” in Kin ad

When a man loves a woman very, very much and he’s not really thinking of repercussions and the state their relationship might be in a few months down the road, he sends her pictures of his netherparts via his cell phone. This act, friends, has come into the mainstream lately with its very own buzzword: sexting.

Sexting can be a pretty bad thing, primarily because it’s purportedly becoming more common amongst the highschool crowd, where relationships move fast and end faster.

Today, Consumer Reports is calling out Microsoft, saying one of their ads for the Kin “comes uncomfortably close to advocating sexting.”

The ad in question is embedded below. It’s totally safe for work, unless your work has something against hipsters and their sleepy-time music. The specific bit they’re talking about comes right after the 30 second mark.